Group Therapy vs Individual Therapy

Do You Prefer Group or Individual Therapy?

What is Group counseling in mental health treatment

Posted on July 27, 2022  in Uncategorized

Group counseling is an aspect of psychological therapy between a mental health professional and some people.

It is the opposite of individual counseling/therapy where there’s one person involved alongside the mental health counselor. People in group counseling are usually facing similar problems like anxiety, depression, PTSD, etc.

When it comes to group counseling, one of the biggest perks is that it helps each individual to realize that they are not alone because other people in the group have similar issues. This realization often comes as a big relief because it helps individuals to focus on getting better.

It is important to mention that group therapy helps individuals to learn skills to communicate better with others.

Even though the individuals in the group have similar challenges, they are different individuals.

Therefore, the differences they share as people sheds more light on the differences that society presents in general. Hence, learning how to interact with people during group counseling helps you to relate better with people outside the group.

It might get uncomfortable for you to share your problems with strangers. However, since most of the people there have similar problems to yours, you will find comfort in knowing that you are not alone.

Group counseling comes in different formats, but the fundamental setting is, that a sizeable number of patients meet regularly to discuss their mental health challenges.

Each person takes turns in describing how tough or how easy it has been for them to navigate their mental health problems and the progress they’re making.

Group counseling sessions are guided by mental health counselors or therapists who are trained in group therapy. Sometimes, the mental health counselor picks the topic of discussion or allows the participants to suggest any topic for the session.

Members of the group counseling session always strive to ensure that they adopt new and healthier ways of living and that they drop off their old ways.


Why Group therapy is crucial in aftercare treatment

Posted on July 20, 2022  in Uncategorized

Aftercare treatment is the post-recovery phase of an individual who has conquered addiction. This is the stage where the individual implements some strategies and coping skills to help retain their sobriety permanently.

For some people, the thought of going for group therapy might be terrifying because of the presence of other people. It could also be challenging for those coming out of anxiety disorder. Telling people about your mistakes is a hill that many people are not willing to die on.

However, group therapy during aftercare treatment has proven to be pivotal in providing healing to the body and mind of recovering individuals. Here are some of the benefits that come with group therapy.

Learning the art of communication

Many individuals are not great at communicating their thoughts and feelings. This is primarily because they are still recovering from the mental and emotional damage that came with their addiction.

Hence, they are still likely to have not-too-smooth relationships with family and friends.

During group therapy, they will have the opportunity to hear from other people who were once addicted. This will give them the motivation to keep working on repairing their strained relationship.

Receiving and giving support

One of the best places to get support in aftercare treatment is during group therapy. When you listen to the stories of other people, you might realize that they had worse cases than yours. This might put you in the position to be empathetic and supportive with your words and actions.

Similarly, when other people in the group therapy listen to your situation, you will receive sufficient support to continue your journey to sobriety.

Creation of a genuine bond

A group therapy environment provides the chance for people to bond with each other and feel connected. The bonds created during group therapy can be the foundation of a solid support system that will be with you all through your sobriety journey.



Posted on April 9, 2020  in Uncategorized

Group therapy is the opposite of individual therapy and there are some people who prefer the former to the latter. Group therapy comprises people who have similar interests and life issues and they are keen on making a change in their lives.

When you are in group therapy, you realize that you are not alone. A good number of patients have this wrong notion that when they are going through life’s problems, they are all alone. They feel some thoughts, feelings and emotions are peculiar to them alone.

The truth is we are unique and our circumstances might be distinct. However, we are not all alone. During a group therapy session, you will discover that there are people who might have issues worse than yours.

When you realize this, you will certainly appreciate the uniqueness of life and draw inspiration from their cases.

Another importance of group therapy is the receiving and giving of support. During group therapy, it is expected that members draw encouragement from one another. They are advised to draw support and feedback from their fellow members.

When you have a problem and you feel there is no one to hear you out, you are rest assured that you have people in therapy who will listen to you.

In group therapy, you are certain that you will find your voice. Group therapy sessions assists you to be aware of your emotions and thoughts when expressing them.

This is why counselors would encourage everyone to voice out their minds during each group therapy session. They are advised to feel free when talking about what is bothering them.

Also, group therapy helps you to connect with people in healthier ways that you will be surprised. You will also learn the act of communicating effectively and you will learn the act of empathizing with other people.

In conclusion, group therapy provides a safety net for everyone. Irrespective of the problems you are facing, attending a group therapy is one of the best decisions you can make.



Posted on April 2, 2020  in Uncategorized

There are various reasons why anyone would want to opt for individual counseling. Whatever the reasons might be, one thing is certain, there are lots to gain from individual counseling.

In the aspects of addiction and mental health for instance, individual counseling comes in handy and it goes a long way in determining how effective a treatment might be.

One of the benefits of individual counseling is knowledge. A counselor helps you to understand what you are going through perfectly. You might be surprised to find out that a counselor has this much knowledge.

The reason for this is not far-fetched, a counselor is a professional who has studied much and has experience.

Therefore, he or she would have a good idea of what you are going through no matter how peculiar the case might be.

When you have a good idea of what you are going through, you are certain that it is one step away from your problems. It helps you cooperate properly during the course of individual counseling.

In addition to this, individual counseling helps you to imbibe coping skills that give you a healthy lifestyle. When you have proficient coping skills, it would help you take on any challenge that life comes with.

Since it is individual counseling, you are certain that the counselor would do a proper follow-up on you to make sure that you are imbibing these coping skills.

The main theme of individual counseling is help and assistance and this is why the counselor would conduct an assessment on you.

The reason for this assessment is to create a treatment plan for you. A treatment plan does not involve medications in all cases. It could be a routine schedule that you have to stick with.

People who opt for individual counseling are usually advised to cooperate fully with the counselor. Whatever answers given during individual counseling forms the bulk of what would be used all through the counseling sessions.

To wrap it up, at various points of our lives, we need people to come through for us. It is impossible to face every challenge all by yourself. Having the right counsel goes a long way in helping you live a better life.


The Difference between Individual Counseling and Group Therapy

Posted on December 5, 2014  in Uncategorized

individual group counseling therapyIndividual counseling and group therapy are both topics that arise when discussing mental health treatment. They are both all about sharing experiences for the purpose of gaining insight about them. Yet they go about it through completely different methods. One is private while the other is in a group setting. One is about arriving at conclusions as an individual while the other is about arriving at conclusions collectively. One seeks advice from a mental health professional while the other seeks advice from people with personal experience. And one acquires healing through self care while the other acquires healing through a support system. The differences are vast but the goal is always the same: optimal mental health.

  • Private vs Group Setting. Individual counseling maintains a private addiction counseling environment between a licensed professional counselor and their patient. Group therapy is in a setting of three or more people who share communally about what they have been through.
  • Collective vs Individualistic. Group therapy is all about learning from, advising and supporting one another, making it a very collective experience. Individual therapy is very individualistic, as the self is the sole focus of the discussion.
  • Certified Mental Health Professional vs People with Personal Experience. Individual counseling takes place with a mental health professional who has achieved a higher education to obtain their counselor’s license. Group therapy is more likely to be hosted and conducted by people who merely have personal experience in the topic area and can offer valuable insight.
  • Healing through Support System vs Healing through Self Care. Group therapy entails a healing process that is generated by the love and support of other people. Individual counseling entails a healing process that is generated by self-discovery and self-care.

Clearly, both methods of healing are useful and relevant to a person experiencing a difficult life circumstance or condition, but they are executed in different ways and carry different benefits. Typically, people gain a lot of valuable insight by engaging in both individual counseling and group therapy.


Group Therapy vs Individual Counseling

Posted on October 9, 2014

individual counseling group therapyGroup therapy and individual counseling are both important and useful in their own ways. One satisfies the social aspects of healing while the other satisfies the introspective aspects of healing. People apply either of these two healing methods to a number of troubling life circumstances, including addiction, mental disorders, relationship disagreements and family problems. Both forms of sharing and receiving are highly beneficial to a person’s mental health, but both forms are not necessarily beneficial on every occasion. There are situations that call for private, intensive counseling and there are situations that call for a collective type of catharsis.

For example, a situation that group therapy would lend itself usefully to would be an addiction support group, or a cancer support group. Group therapy is usually organized over something widespread, under resourced and burgeoning into a socially acceptable topic. Freedom of identity is a value that grows within our society more and more over time, so the matters that support groups form over are expanding. However, they often still center around something that is somewhat taboo, or too uncomfortable for the average person to talk about. Alcoholics, drug abusers and sex addicts have a condition that many people do not want to talk about, so coming together to share experiences, struggles and encourage one another away from addiction is vitally important to them socially. Sadly, even those suffering from physical diseases such as cancer or AIDS struggle to find others who are strong enough to talk with them about their disease, so a support group is a useful, nurturing connection to make for someone in this circumstance.

On the other hand, individual counseling is essential to a number of different circumstances, such as in the case of a sensitive mental disorder or a singular traumatic event. Individual counseling better suits instances where the problem is sensitive or personal. Similarly, it may be a better option if the individual themselves is sensitive or uncomfortable sharing their private matter with a group of people. This is largely up to the individual, but traditionally, individual counseling is more successful at getting to the underlying root causes of psychological issues and aiding in cognitive behavioral progress.


Individual Counseling

Posted on October 9, 2014

counseling on individual basisFor certain life difficulties, nothing encourages the healing process like individual counseling. This universal practice involves sitting down with a professional counselor to talk through problems and receive advice. Making use of a professional counselor rather than another kind of acquaintance is important to individual counseling. It is also good to talk to people you trust who are not professional counselors, but for the least biased, most mentally sound and useful perspective, a professional counselor is worth the money.

One way that individual counseling is effective is that it allows the sole focus to be on one individual. In group therapy sessions, this is not the case. When a person does not need to share the floor with others, a lot can be accomplished. Allowing a person to delve back into their memories and uncover the moments that affected them, for better or for worse, is imperative to understanding their psychological make-up. A person can begin to reevaluate themselves using cognitive behavioral techniques when they have the time and the attention of their counselor.

In individual counseling, a person’s privacy is fiercely protected. Because the patient is alone with the counselor, they are free to share things that they would feel uncomfortable sharing in a group setting and a more complete picture of who they are is captured. It is the ethical and legal obligation of that mental health professional to keep the information that is shared in each session confidential.

The therapy received in individual counseling is also far more intensive than it would be in any other setting. Because of the privacy, openness, honesty and individual focus that individual counseling creates, an incredible amount of progress can be made in a reasonable amount of time. And because the sessions are private, barriers are lifted that allow the patient to be more truthful and direct, which facilitates the healing process. Individual therapy is a strong asset to a person looking to recover from mental unhealthiness or distress.


Group Therapy

Posted on October 9, 2014

support groupThe benefits of group therapy are numerous for people fighting for their mental health. There are a number of reasons to seek out a support group, ranging from addiction to mental disorders to troubled family members to grieving the loss of a family member. The concept is simple. People who are like-minded or in similar life situations come together in one place to help each other through their hardships. Their model of therapy has been around for over a century and has proven very effective in helping people cope with life’s difficulties in a healthy manner.

The time spent sharing testimonies and struggles is very important to the group’s purpose. By relating to one another’s experiences, group members have the opportunity to compare their situation with other people’s and learn how others have dealt with similar circumstances. People who are experiencing particular problems within themselves or within their relationships often feel alone in their problems. An enormous benefit to the sharing that takes place at group therapy is that it negates the feeling of being alone in coming to understand that other people have been through what you have been through.

Even if your situation is somewhat unique, organized support groups have an ethic of being non-judgmental and supporting to all members. One can expect to attend a group therapy session and acquire support for what they are going through. Those who attend regularly and do their part to support others can also expect to form friendships with other members of the group. Some friendships formed in group therapy and support meetings become lifelong, and many people attest to their success in recovery being owed to the people from their support groups who held them accountable. If you are going through a difficult life circumstance of any sort, chances are there is a support group that has been created specifically for what you are going through. Do not suffer in silence on your own. Reach out to a section of the mental health services network in your area and ask what is available to you.
